If I wrote a slightly fictionalized account of my Monday, the only parts of it anyone would find credible would be the fictionalized parts.
To give you some flavor of what I went through, at one point during that day – in a rare moment of verbal acuity – I did actually say “I think I’ll run away and join the circus: fewer clowns, more horses.”
Anyway, because the way the week began, I fell off the caffeine wagon and now have a massive migraine and am not in much of a mood to talk. So I’ll let this picture of my Kaleidoscope, with the Classic Lipizzan cousin for scale, do most of the talking:
There is nothing particularly noteworthy about my Kaleidoscope; I was just glad that, as I anticipated, he wasn’t an immediate sell out. So many people were so focused on getting something special – like the Grab Bags, and (later) the Deco Variations – he’s largely been thrown down the memory hole.
So let’s take a moment to appreciate his rainbow loveliness. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in acquiring rare things that we forget the easier-to-acquire things can be just as beautiful or meaningful.
(Well, that’s what I tell myself when every time I lose an online auction. Sometimes I even believe it!)
It’ll be neat to see this color on something bigger; I’d prefer it on a more vintage mold, either the Family Arabian Stallion or the Classic Lipizzan (duh!) would do.
More Classic Lipizzans in general would be a great idea: I am not particular on the color, as long as it’s not another shade of White or Aged Gray. It’s funny that the Stablemate Lipizzan hasn’t come in any shade of gray yet, but the Classic has come in almost nothing else, except for its Fantasy releases.
A Rainbow Decorator Classic Lipizzan would be a nice compromise!
Incidentally, I’ve also seen the blurry photo of this year’s Tractor Supply Specials that’s been floating around.
I’m not going to talk about the specific details of them until we see something that’s more than blobs of pixels on the Internet. All I’ll say at this point is that I am relieved that there doesn’t appear to be anything that’s a must-have for me, other than the Stablemate Chase Pieces.
I'd gotten a Kaleidoscope with intent to resell, but when I unwrapped him, he was so spectacular I decided he has to stay with me. :) That rainbow-splatter pattern would be awesome on something like the Bucking Bronco or the Fighting Stallion!
I'm so glad you mentioned "beautiful things that are easy to acquire" because my box of mid year releases is arriving today! Well, at least WGC Marc of Charm and KB Omega Fahim, as Tiz the Law is due to arrive at a later date. These are my first new Breyers since my Mothers Day gifts in May and I'm really geeked about it.
I haven't seen the TSC special run pix as of yet, but I usually get one or two, so now I have that to look forward to as well. I live in a very rural part of mid-Michigan, so we have three TSC stores within twenty minutes driving, so they are generally pretty easy to find. Can you give me a hint as to which molds have been selected for this year?
TSC has a grey version of Bobbi Jo, a bay Indian Pony, and an appaloosa Ethereal. So far only grainy photos have shown up.
No! That color on the FAM- she's got more spunk!
I could sort of make out the grainy gray Bobby Jo, which I'd actually go right out and get, as I love the mold but for reasons do not have any of them. And Kaleidoscope! I bought three, one for each check-put (the SRs, the duplicate SRs, and the golly-it's-Sunday-must-buy-one-more-thing.) And I'm so glad I did, because they are so beautiful. I sold one to a local collector, who was delighted. And I'm just a straight sucker for resist dapples, whether "realistic" or deco. I love my IP SM chase, and I guess that's the next color conga: bright resist dapple stablemates. It's be neat to see a companion Classic Lippizan with the reverse: metallic blue dapples on a rainbow body.
I live in a rural area in So Cal with a TSC about 10 minutes away...but where are you seeing these grainy photos?
I saw the TSC photos on Model Horse Blab.
I saw the grainy photo on a FB model horse group.
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