Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Confirmation Bias

I decided to skip out on the online show; I made so much progress over the weekend with all my other projects that I’d rather keep that momentum going, rather than get sidetracked by something else again. Photography is not my strong suit, and I would have obsessed over every single picture…

You know what? I’m skipping out on Santino, too; it’s not that I don’t love the Polo Pony mold, or that I have issues with the base warping (though that is pretty annoying). 

It’s just that I’m still just a tad bit overwhelmed with my leftover BreyerFest inventory. I haven’t even gotten around to getting all of the Johanns from last year (and affordable Bays are nonexistent anyway!)

I am still undecided on the Halloween stuff; I love all the Stablemates and the Classic too – I was not expecting a “Creepy Quagga” concept, and I really dig it! I have a little bit of time to think about those, at least.

In case I didn’t make it clear, I did get a Peanutine during my first pass-through the leftover line at BreyerFest. Mine just happened to be one of the perfectly ordinary ones:

Fortunately I was close enough to the front of the line that there were a few left when I went through, so I was happy to get one, regardless of the color. 

I was thinking about the Peanutine today because I made the mistake last night of watching some YouTube videos, and in spite of my impressive haul, I was still mad jealous at the people showing off Raffle Models, Volunteer Models, or even multiple Volunteer Models. 

This led to an extended internal monologue about what a terrible person I was for even going there in my head. I had to remind myself that for a lot of hobbyists, just getting a Peanutine in the first place would have been satisfaction enough. 

Would more be better? Of course! But sometimes you need to pause to enjoy what you do have and what you have accomplished, and not indulge in confirmation bias. It never ends well.


Anonymous said...

Not impressed with the Halloween offerings. Things are getting quite repetitive. More metallic green a second year in a row, more repetitive designs. Pppphhhhlllttt. Polo pony is quite bland too except for the palomino. I hope Breyer brings back the wow factor for next year's Breyerfest. It was sorely lacking this year.

timaru star ii said...

Concentrate on satisfaction, on what you do have,... couldn't have said it better myself.

Anonymous said...

Oooo--just once I'd like to read somewhereI that 99% of the people were happy with what Breyer has to offer us collectors!! I know we're all entitled to our own opinions--but the constant negativity gets tiresome!! Sheesh people!
I'm with Andrea on this! I hope I can get the green quagga tomorrow!! I also want the Halloween blind bag SM's( I'm hoping I can snag a "Nevermore" and Django!! Haha! I also hope my PayPal account holds out as I just ordered "Santino " (I'm hoping I get the appaloosa-- but as I also like glossies, wouldn't mind the palomino. And with all the silver bays, splash paints and other historical horse colors--how often do you see a manchado pinto?? Not bad Breyer--not bad!!
Also wish the complaining about the vintage models would stop!! How hard is for people to understand that if it weren't for them, you probably wouldn't have what you have now!! I happen to love my glossy bay clas lippizan! Didn't realize that the color was so hard to come by! What tickles me-- is you can't "live" show it because what they call a "stallion" is technically a mare!!(check it out!! No boy parts! haha!) and I'm not sure-- but I don't think the Spanish Riding School shows the mares do they??
Can't say nothing about the rest( the raffle horse, volunteers or event models) except while some of them are droolworthy gorgeous--they're way outta my league!! Maybe one day--like Andrea--good fortune will come this way and it'll be our turn!!

bubbasmom said...

I got a Peanutine, the regular bay, and I actually traded for him! The decorators in general don't blow my skirt up, so I'm really happy with him. I also ordered the polo pony, hoping I'll get a palomino, but I'll be happy with any color. Honestly, I'm really happy with my entire collection, not in a huge hurry to add anything, don't want a raffle model. Also? I'm happy with what Breyer is doing these days. I'm happy with the access I get, I'm happy that they allow pickups for people who can't go (me!), and happy with the online access.

Anonymous said...

Thinking that there will ever be 99% of people happy is a tall order when you consider that this company doesn't give a shit about its customers. It's apparent in their words and deeds but never more glaringly obvious than in their continued use of this shipping warehouse, where you don't know when or even if your order will ship, if it will be packed any kind of decent and if you will get what you ordered or someone else's brassiere. And then of course there is the Breyerfest ticket fiasco that continues. People learn from their mistakes if they care. When they don't, it's just more of the same.

Anonymous said...

I’m on the fence about Santino. I like all the colors, but I’m downsizing and REALLY just want to pick my favorite. I’m pretty satisfied with Breyer in general, just wish they would loosen the reins (ha-ha) on the endless gamblers choice stuff.

Sarah said...

if you need a bay johann, i have two or three with minor flaws that I'm trying to sell/trade. I kept the best one, but he too is not flawless.

Anonymous said...

Nah, you're allowed to be upset. Just drives me crazy, seeing all these variations for sale on eBay, FB, whatever, and I just wanted one for my collection. In all my years of BF, I've only gotten one variation (silver Adios) and had to sell him to pay bills. Regret it immensely.

Kiri said...

I love the vintage molds and I wish more people shared my opinion. There's a really pretty Foiled Again on eBay right now and I'm so, so tempted... I don't know why people complain so much. I just want to enjoy my plastic ponies.