Friday, July 8, 2022

Good News, Last Minute Prep, and Volunteer Stuff

Things are going… okay? 

A stressful thing we had been waiting on at work finally happened, and it went really well! (Whew!) Alas, the party to celebrate will probably happen while I am away, bummer…

I went through my summer shorts and found that most of them still fit. I was a bit worried since I gained a few pounds during the pandemic, but fortunately it wasn’t quite as much as I had thought. (I still need to do something about it, but I’ll worry about it after I get back.) 

The Sampler is done and just needs to be printed; I’ll be picking up the toner cartridges Saturday afternoon since I’m almost out. Sunday will probably be spent yelling and/or glaring at my printer, getting it to all work. I am hoping to have the PDF up by the time I leave Tuesday morning, but my schedule is tight and I can’t make any promises. If not, it will be the first thing I put up when I get back the Monday morning after.

I will have a very limited number of hard copies of the 2020 and 2021 Samplers on hand. The 2020 is on my other computer and involves some obsolete fonts, and I’m not sure I’ll have the time to deal with fixing all that ahead of time. 

The car is already partially packed; I have to work Monday, and it’s going to be HOT here, so the actual horses can’t go in the car until Monday afternoon at the earliest. I’ll also have to dig some of my usual prep stuff out of the closet, but since I have to work Saturday too I won’t be able to get around to that until Saturday night at the latest…

And finally, I have to get my displays ready for BreyerFest. 

Remember how I’ve been joking about having a meet and greet at the Kentucky Horse Park during BreyerFest? Well… I kinda-sorta do have one in the Hobby Information Booth this year! As a part of my volunteer duties, I’ll be in the tent from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday to meet all of you in an official capacity and answer any questions on Breyer History you want to throw at me! 

As I’ve said before, a lot of times it’s hard to judge if something is authentic or not unless I get to examine it in person; if you happen to have something you want me to look at, feel free to bring it and I’ll do my best to give you a fair assessment of its authenticity, and everything I might know about its origins. 

I won’t do price estimates, though. With the way the market is right now, I don’t think I have a really good grasp of what anything is going for, and there are others out there who specialize in that sort of thing anyway. (I would also end up giving you an estimate of what I would pay, and I am notoriously cheap.)

In addition to bringing out some of my rarities, I’ll see about bringing some of my scarcer bits of ephemera for you to ogle at too; how much I bring will depend on how much room I have in the car. 

I’ll also be in the Hobby Information Booth from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, primarily as a Greeter, but I’ll be available to talk about history and answer questions, too. Because you know, history dork here!

And in one last exciting bit of news: It really looks like a Legion of Super-Heroes series is coming to HBO Max! I thought they were kidding before, because us Legion fans are kinda sensitive about the subject, but it’s apparently really going to be a thing. Sprock, yeah!

1 comment:

Leslie R said...

Have a fantastic time, Andrea! Enjoy it all - especially for those of us who are unable to attend this grand event! :)