Monday, April 3, 2023

The After Party

I still haven’t quite finished unpacking from the show; when I got home Saturday night I fell asleep trying to watch a movie, then I went to bed and slept another twelve hours. And then I spent a good chunk of my Sunday working on gardening things. 

(I have way more ornamental peppers than I was expecting, LOL. I expect at least half of them are going to get rehomed at work.)

I did both better and worse than I thought I would. While I didn’t get as many placings in Mini as I had hoped – only 12 out of the forty or so I brought – three of them either Champed or Reserved their Sectionals, and my lovely Dark Dapple Gray G1 Saddlebred ended up being Reserve Overall in Minis:

Good job, Mignonette! 

And while I still haven’t quite figured out the mystery that is Stablemates Foals, I did get three of my placings there, including a third with this cute, wee one as a Quarter Pony Foal:

On the other hand, I had 32 placings in Collectibility, most of them first through third. Several Champs here: Stablemate Sectional Champ (Black Pancho), Vintage Sectional Champ (the Airbrushed Misty), and both Animal Champ and Reserve (Ghost Moose and the French Perfume Poodle). 

Some of the models I expected to do better did not, but I worried about it less because, well, it was a conscious choice I made to focus on it less. I feel like I know what I’m doing there, and I’m confident enough with my models to just have fun with it and show off some of my pretties this time.

It also looks like my decision to avoid Traditional Breed paid off: those classes were huge, and the placings sometimes… odd. Not as odd as placing second to an Old Timer, but some of ones I did get a chance to review were a little confusing. 

(And I repeat myself: judges, man…)

When I woke up Sunday morning-ish I compiled a short list of must-takes for BreyerFest Live: I ended up with about twenty? If I have the ambition and the time, I might even add a couple of customs to the list, but I’m not going to sweat it if I don’t. (There’s a “crazy custom hairdo” Fun Class, and I have this FAM I use to deposit my excess epoxy on. She’s looking… pretty shaggy!)

Anyhoo, I have to go finish my taxes and call some places to get some work done on the car this week. (Relax: it wasn’t my fault and the issue is mostly cosmetic. More of a nuisance than anything else.)


timaru star ii said...

Congrats! I was dusting my 1970s SMs yesterday. I love your sentence "the mystery that is Stablemate Foals." I have the '70s standing/lying TB pairs in black and in bay, but why, then, is there also a standing chestnut and another lying black? So true.

Carrie said...

It's great to hear you did well at the show; I always hope you have a good time & enjoy them (I tried showing many moons ago - it is not for my uncompetitive, anxious self).

Lol on the peppers! I'm always amazed you start so much from seed; wee spicy peppers seem to be the only thing that take off here from seed & I'm not actually trying to grow them, they just happen. One came along in a potted plant & since I brought it indoors the first winter it has now outlived its pot-mate & is 4 or 5 years old!

Corky said...

Congratulations on your placings!

Lydia Lepic said...

I would love to see the epoxy'd FAM!