Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Inherent Danger of Shiny Objects

The past four days have been an absolute nightmare that ended with me in Urgent Care this morning with an eye problem. 

This is an entirely separate problem from the exhaustion thing, which had led to me spending most of my interrupted weekend in bed, which then led to my back giving out and even more time in bed because I couldn’t get out of it.

Everything seemed fine by Monday morning, I thought. 

Then I woke up with something in my eye Monday evening right before I went to work, and it’s still there.

I just woke up a couple hours ago and it’s quite apparent that whatever they tried to do at Urgent Care did not work, so even further medical intervention may be necessary on Wednesday or Thursday if the situation does not resolve itself on its own by then.

So needless to say, model horse stuff is on the backburner until this is fixed. It’s more irritating than painful, but I’ve had it with my week of sickness and anything involving my eyes makes me nervous and I don’t have the patience to deal with this anymore. 

I have a live show in a week and a half and I haven’t even printed out anything to start assembling my show string. I was just going to treat it as a “fun show” anyway, but it’s like the Universe is attempting to make even that low bar a challenge.

Why can’t I have just a little bit of fun without dire consequences? Must karma always bite me in the butt? 

Here’s a little bit of actual model horse content to keep you entertained while medical professionals prepare to drop more mysterious liquids into my eyes:

It’s the Stardust I had Peter Beagle sign! As far as I could tell, I was the only person who brought a Unicorn to be signed, which surprised me a bit because if you were at Worldcon itself, you would have noticed that it was very… unicorn-flavored. Reeves probably could have done well with a table full of Unicorns in the vendor area. 


(FYI: Unicorns taste like cake batter. I recommend the Kroger Unicorn Oreo Knockoffs!)

I chose the Stardust because he was the most readily available Breyer Unicorn that I had, and he’s one of my favorites anyway, with his darling little space pants. Photographs were taken of the occasion (not of, or by me.) I also told Mr. Beagle that he had many fans in the model horse community and that we’d love to see him someday if he’s willing and able. 


Anonymous said...

Instead of urgent care give an eye doctor a call see if they are able to help.

Clipped a puppys nail the night I brought him home. Went right in my eye. I KNOW what was on those toes, and couldn't flush the thing out myself. So up to the ER I went since it was late.

Doc argued if you can't feel it it's not there. Sir that's not how I work. I'm the weirdest patient. It's there I seen it in the mirror I just couldn't get it.

I'm like please think what's on those puppy toes, just please look.

sigh... I'll be right back.

one drop and one Q tip later. Son of a gun it is there.

No shit Sherlock.

Corky said...

When I was taking riding lessons in Japan, hanging out after my class was done one day, I walked past the storage shed where they kept their stall shavings; a staffer was using a leaf-blower to clean up spilled shavings on the ground, and a tiny fragment found its way into my left eye. It felt weird, although it didn't precisely hurt; not wanting to mess with my vision in any way, I decided I'd have to get to the doctor on Monday if it hadn't resolved itself by then. Thankfully it worked its way out in my sleep Saturday night, and all was well by Sunday morning. Here's hoping yours will emerge naturally too without the need for a doctor!

Suzanne said...

Sorry to hear that. Even as we get older and start "slowing down", it feels like time is just moving faster and faster...no time to recover before the next ordeal.

Unicorn flavor...is there anything marketing won't try?

timaru star ii said...

I love this phrase, 'space pants.' Keep up with your wacky humour and best wishes with the medical stuff.