Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Somehow Still Alive

And boy howdy, I have got some stories to tell. Here is the VERY brief rundown:

I am happy to report that I was neither gored by a bison nor eaten by a bear, though my encounters with both were WAY too close for comfort. (You will have to wait for photographic evidence of the bison encounter, since it is on my real camera, not the phone one. The bear one happened way too fast and the car ahead of me that almost hit said bear had to immediately pull over to, I presume, hyperventilate.)

I also had a couple more crying sessions, a possible religious experience, met a park ranger who grew up about ten miles from my house, outran a thunderstorm, drove on the scariest freaking road ever, did not fall off any cliffs, and saw even more Pryor Mountain Mustangs. 

So yeah, it has been kinda busy the past several days.

It also looks like I have been missing some of the post-BreyerFest drama? How is the Leftover Sale controversial at all? They have it every year at the same time, except when they announce it otherwise, like last year. The only surprise about it is the fact that they had so many to sell. My brain is a bit too fried to speculate on the reasons why...

People will find any excuse to be angry, I swear. Glad I missed most of the drama. Looking forward to seeing what Studebaker I get when I finally get home in just a couple days. (Hoping for the Blue one, only because I never get the Blue one, even if it is the not that rare. Never!) 

Since I was freaking out at the show at the time, I completely missed getting the Stablemate Buggy, but I was a little annoyed over the fact that it was another Appaloosa on the Django mold anyway.

Off to do a bit of journaling, and then to bed.  


Anonymous said...

It's drama because now the online people think that they are entitled to everything the in person people get and more besides. Now they want online-ticket-only SRs and auction models too. I hope Breyer does away with online entirely.

Anonymous said...

You don’t have to physically go to KY to get access to all the models so I don’t know why those that can’t go are “demanding” all the models. They’ve always had the ability to get all the BF models w/o leaving their homes. Just buy AA tickets (formally known as 3 day tickets) then arrange for a friend or pickup person to get them. That’s how it was done for almost 30 yrs, from 1990-2019, so instead of stirring up crap online, they can do it again, going forward.

Suzanne said...

Sounds like an amazing trip! Pictures!!! :^)

Kaivala said...

As a person with physical disabilities a trip in person is no longer possible. I have no children brothers sisters or other kin family or friends who could or would be willing to make the trip for me let alone assit me in making one. I paid someone to pickup stuff off a website I was only able to get on list for one in person pickup they went so fast. Should I have to miss out on all the innperson stuff? In addition to the social aspects and the neat corses offered Because it's not in my budget to buy an 85$ horse for 150$ or more off ebay? Now am I entitled to all that stuff no. But I do appreciate whatever I can get. And damn well right to be upset about things I missed because of things simply beyond my control because of medical conditions and im sure I'm not the only one. I dont like to bring up my issues because I know how lucky I am they are not worse. And I know others worse off. Maybe we got spoiled by the covid fest. I have not followed this year's sales drama other than to hear just b4 end people in person got unlimited returns. Whole I was still limited to my one. Oh well. Anyone wanna volunteer to be a pickup person who won't charge a 50-200% markup for next year hit me up.

Yvonne said...

I think this is a case of the few ruining it for the many! There are A LOT of folks that attend on-line and we are NOT stirring up the pot to gripe and complain and demand. I am very thrilled that Breyer lets us crippled folk attend online! I attended every Bfest for over 20 years and then life happened. I bought my tickets and had people do pick ups for me in the past. Now I can stay home and get a few models at my leisure. Would I love all the models to be available after; to anyone who bought a ticket? Heck yes! Do I feel entitled to it. Nope. Whatever Breyer throws my way is a gift and I will gladly accept it!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Yvonne! I’m right there with you.
Pam N.

Anonymous said...

The cost of a pick up person or paying the mark up on 2 or 3 models from the secondary market doesn’t touch the cost of actually going to Kentucky for BreyerFest for most people.
Those that make the trip either spend hundreds on gas or airline tickets plus several hundred on a hotel, not to mention food & meals. And those that travel by plane usually spend money on shipping their purchases home or pay fees for extra luggage on the plane.
So for every dollar spent on a pick up person or the secondary market those attending spend $5-$10.
I did pick ups from 2002-2012 & the fees I got didn’t cover the cost of actually going, much less packing materials, boxes & my time getting & shipping the models. Then people started complaining that I didn’t get them exactly what they wanted (I didn’t pool tickets. Their ticket was their ticket & sometimes their ticket was at the end of the line) or there was some small, barely noticeable flaw so why didn’t I exchange it. Then in 2011 & 2012 with the introduction of the Surprise model I got complaints about not sending their preferred color or finish when it was obvious that I didn’t open any to see what the colors were much less if they were glossy or matte. Then I was accused of keeping the best ones for myself when, again, I didn’t open any & what I mailed was what I got with their ticket.
The money didn’t cover my travel expenses much less my time or the hassle of dealing with entitled Karens so I stopped doing pick ups. So instead of complaining about the cost of getting a pick up person or buying off the secondary market maybe it would be better to think about how much money, packing materials, time & hard work it takes to attend & do pick ups or list models for sale & be grateful there are still those willing to do it.
And even if you don’t have family members in the hobby surely there are hobby friends from Facebook or other hobby groups that are going & willing to help out. Most of my hobby friends don’t live anywhere near me. I know them through social media sites & model horse groups. It’s not hard to network with these people to get help acquiring models.

Anonymous said...

The issue wasn’t really with online people wanting everything, but that people in the park didn’t know the leftover sale was happening, unless you stumbled upon and asked. Also that the runs were so large they were selling models by the case - in the wild card line. So if there are that many leftovers, why not allow online participants to purchase previously restricted models?

The ship has sailed as far as in person only.

Anonymous said...

It’s my understanding that most pickup people go to BF because they are also hobbyists, so if it’s also a trip for themselves, and they charge some fees, I find it hard to believe that there is no profit in it and it’s just a big hassle - otherwise why does anyone do it? Yeah, it’s hard work and because of that, there are not unlimited, reliable options available for people that can’t go.

Anonymous said...

Breyer has done a left over sale for years. 2022 was the only year it didn’t happen. One year out of 23, since the ticket SR’s started in 1999 & two years were virtual only. So why are people suddenly shocked to learn leftovers were available on-site? Breyer isn’t going to announce leftovers will be available to anyone and everyone at the KY Horse Park with a ticket since that will discourage people from buying multiple tickets. Why would anyone buy more than one if they knew they could get all the SR’s they wanted with a single ticket?
So, no, there is not going to be an official announcement that leftover models will be available on Sunday, even though that’s been allowed for over 2 decades.
And the people that bought cases had been going through the line repeatedly and just getting the 2 models allowed. The employees handing out the models recognized them since they had been through so many times. At some point it was just easier and more economical to let them buy a case. Why take the time and pay the fee to process 18 separate purchases of 2 models when they could sell a case and process and pay the fee for 1 purchase of 36 models? Only 2 people bought cases so it wasn’t like dozens of people were walking out with dozens of cases. Breyer was probably glad to see those 4 cases go since they have to pay to ship everything back to New Jersey and have them inventoried and then list them for sale in the website. Plus what doesn’t sell then sits in the warehouse taking up space until they’re put into grab boxes. It was just quicker, easier and far less costly to allow a couple of flippers to get a couple of cases. There were still plenty of leftovers available and online ticket holders will get their chance to purchase them next month.

Anonymous said...

How many years did you go and do pick ups? You have to do a lot to make money doing it & the more you do the more time & work it takes. The matte Surprises are selling for around $140 or so. They cost $85 plus you had to buy a $90 ticket to get two models so add $45 to that $85 for a total of $130 just to get the model so that’s a profit of $10-$15 which is
quickly eaten away by providing a box, packing material to ship it. So people selling on the secondary aren’t making off like bandits. Same for those doing pick ups.
Besides the point is paying a pick up person or buying off the secondary market is a lot cheaper than actually going. The cost of pickups or a mark up is next to nothing compared to traveling & all the expenses it entails. So those complaining they can’t afford pick ups or after market prices probably couldn’t afford to actually go to the in-person event either.

PixelPerfectStables said...

Here is my experience with the leftovers line:
- From what I heard, it opened around 3 PM and folks were allowed 2 per person per trip at that point
- I didn't know about it until around 4:10-4:15ish, I'd been spending time over in the museum/A/C areas with a friend and her husband who were first-timers. We'd just grabbed our Stablemates from the craft tent and were heading back to the Covered Arena to watch the raffle pull when one of my other friends passed by carrying brown bags and shouting to me that the line was a free-for all. So naturally, I got over there as quickly as possible
- There was no line to get in by then. I didn't see what else was still available, because I was in it for the Surprises. There was a pile of them on the table, but clearly since at least one person bought a case later on, that wasn't all that was left. I decided to get 3 surprises even though I was missing 4 variations. Those were 3 glossies and the deco so I was not that confident in my luck. Figured I'd get some mattes and could partial trade or something.
- I paid and scooted over to the trees next to the arena so I could get a good luck at my pulls. I have never been that lucky at BreyerFest...All 3 were glossy, 2 in colors I was missing. I could have traded my extra, or gone back and tried again but my brain was just so shocked and elated by the incredible luck, I figured no way it could hold again, plus for some reason I thought based on the pile that they could have already sold out if I went back (obviously, not true). So instead I filed into the arena, I hadn't bought any tickets but I was excited to cheer for my friends. And with that glossy luck I felt like I'd won anyway (I conga hamilton). I'd never pulled a glossy myself before let alone 3 at once!
- Since I watched the raffle, I missed seeing the folks buying full cases with my own eyes, but I'm told it was only a handful of people doing that...probably high volume resellers or Breyer dealers as I can't imagine anyone else still having the resources at that point in the weekend to buy so much or even to know to jump keep going through until they were eventually offered a case.

I don't think there would have been a best strategy to announce the sale en masse. Those who knew from past years I assume, hung out to see if it would happen, and it spread via word of mouth. After the ticket mailing crisis of last year, I'm sure Breyer didn't want to officially plan a sale ahead of time until they knew there would be sufficient stock. There also seemed to be an over-abundance of folks simply not claiming models this year. I heard some of it was from casual visitors/families who bought AA level and either didn't know enough about the SR or had no interest in buying "toys" for that much.
One thing I am certain of is they were only selling leftovers *from the wild card line*. Plenty of unclaimed models remained from the AA & VIP which will go into the online leftover sale, plus whatever didn't sell from the wild card line. I can't say if every SR will be available during that sale, but I'm sure there will be significant enough stock for Breyer to offer it. Especially since they are announcing run counts this week - everything else today, surprise tomorrow - which may help influence people to buy. Based on that timing we could see the online sale as early as next week, particularly since UPS avoided the impending strike.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, PixelPerfectStables!

Anonymous said...

Same here!

Anonymous said...


Kaivala said...

Yeah I was not looking to stir up trouble and if I had a regular pick up person I would have no issue paying for the ticket and the price of the 2 special runs ect shipping going off I got everything that could be got off that ticket allowing with in reason I might not get all first choices and furthermore tip the person to help contribute to cover the cost of their valuable time. (I feel this is reasonable as opposed to as I said paying double price on multiple models gosh forbid) B4 life happened I tried to go to bfest. I bought 3 tickets I paid for parking pass and room . Then I ended up in the hospital. And lost all the $ I'd put down. And back then they wouldn't even offer to send the ticket model if I paid for shipping I did ask over the phone. Then because I really wanted the horses I did pay out the second hand costs on top of the $$ I was already out. So yes I have some idea of the costs. I also appreciate those of you who have been so generous of your time offered pickups. And I'm sorry for anyone who's made that effort and people didn't appreciate you doing your best within the limits the clocked tickets of previous years gave.