Sunday, July 30, 2023


I’m almost completely caught up on my sleep, but the unpacking – especially from Kentucky – still remains undone. It’s going to be a long time before I finish going through all my mostly-probably-crummy photos too. And I have a project I need to finish ASAP…

I am also now thinking that my travel experience might be best expressed in a book form, rather than a bloggy one. It’s a trip – and a notion – that had been with me for most of my life, and I don’t think the experience can be summed up in a few extended blog posts. 

No worries, you’ll get some photos and deets here eventually, especially the Kentucky bits.

The first day back to work after a long vacation always kind of sucks, regardless of your feelings for the job, so I waited until I got home from it to open the most anticipated package on my doorstep: Studebaker. 

I was a little surprised she was actually still available when I got back to the hotel Friday night. While I wanted the variation like everyone else, I thought that after getting the Holographic Uffington a couple years back that another scarce variation was not in the cards for me, at least not for a good, long while:

No. Freaking. Way. 

How did this happen? Do I need to consider buying lottery tickets this week? Hit the casino? Troll eBay at 3 a.m.? 

Speaking of variations, I still might give the Araba another shot during the second chance sale: her conformation issues aside, her variant sports one of the prettiest production run paint jobs I have ever seen. Since my luck seems to be running very, very hot at the moment, it just might be worth taking the shot, credit card bills be damned.

All that being said, I am not terribly pleased by Reeves deciding to apply the term “Micro Run” to these variations. This is simply not acceptable, people: the general hobby consensus on that term is that it applies only to Special Runs of 100 pieces or fewer (give or take a few, particularly when it comes to some of the Exclusive Event pieces). 

Most of the Special Runs released in the late 1970s and the early 1980s were in the 200-piece range, and we never refer to them as Micro Runs. That’s partly because the term is a recent development – the first time I used it on the blog was back in 2014, I believe – and we really didn’t distinguish smaller runs from larger runs back then, regardless. Christmas Catalog SRs (produced in the thousands) and Model Horse Congress exclusives (produced in quantities of 200-300) were both “Special Runs”, plain and simple.

I think it might be useful to coin a new term for this new class of models, but nothing seems immediately obvious. Short Runs? Small Runs? SR Variants?


Anonymous said...

I really hope we get some REAL micro runs next year, as it’s gonna be an anniversary Breyerfest. congrats on you’re blue studebaker, she is STUNNING!!!! i’m gonna try my luck for her during the second chance sale, along with Speos and possibly Araba.~Lily M.

Anonymous said...

I really wish ALL the variations of the SR's were a 50/50 split. I'm tired of the silly games that Breyer is playing with these variations.

Anonymous said...

I would line up to read that book.

timaru star ii said...

BFest Variant run is as close as I can get right now. Oh, Variation Run, because Variant Run sounds a wee bit defective.

Congratulations on a dream of a horse! Of course I want one too, but I have Kaalee and only need/should have (!) one of the mold. Why couldn't there be some fantastic black/blue/white pinto of her,... my hand sneaking towards the PearlEx...

Why yes, I'd love to read a book by you. Hobby books are one of my favorite subjects...

Anonymous said...

Until you actually get one and can cash in on it, or have a treasured piece to keep. I would rather that we have the micro-runs, it's what makes the gamble worthwhile.

Tish said...

Congrats on your blue Studebaker! My order is still unfulfilled...I'm wondering when I should ping and ask about it. :( That said, I can't complain too much, as I got one of the iridescent Peanutines. I'm looking forward to the second chance sale, if it happens, to get a regular Peanutine.

Leslie R said...

So happy you received a blue Stude!!! WOWSA & You so deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Many many congratulations Andrea!! You are the example of " good things comes to those who wait"!! I'm GLAD for you!!

Anonymous said...

When do we get to read this said book???
Congrats to you on your "Bluey"!! You troll Ebay?? You sound like an acquaintance of mine who recently came into a minor business fortune!! She's been buying every variant /event horse that she's ever wanted!! (You should see her *gorgeous * collection!)
You and she must have rubbed elbows @ Breyerfest somehow--because this is the *first* time that I've *ever* known her to come home with ALL 6 colors of the Stagecoach Surprise, both variations of "Scurry" and "Araba" and both mane variations of "Jump and Drive"!!
Unfortunately, her good fortune *didn't * extend to some of the people she was to pick up models for--because by the time she went through again, several models were already sold out!!(Big bummer!!)
Let's hope Breyer does a 2nd chance sale for the ones of us who haven't had the "fairy God mother/or Lucky Leprechaun sprinkle gold dust our way just yet!!

Anonymous said...

I like the phrase 'short run.'

And congrats on blue!

Anonymous said...

*yikes*!! I just re-read above message!! Hope it *doesn't * sound like "sour grapes" to anyone 'Cause that's *not* how it was meant!!
(How do you express TOTAL AWE and ADMIRATION for something in a comment section???) Her collection is TOTALLY AWESOME AND BEAUTIFUL!! (There are models there--highly sought after--that you wouldn't think would be in one person's possession!!)
Am I envious?? Yeah--maybe a *little* --but I also know that I wouldn't want to spend that kind of money on a model--when there's so much more that I want to achieve before I leave the Earth!!(I'm just glad that she's gracious enough to let us come and see it/them!!)
You give me HOPE that if it CAN happen to(& for) YOU--then *maybe* MY time will be right around the corner!! In the meantime, 2ndary market--here I come!! Haha!!

Anonymous said...

Why did that publish twice??

Corky said...

Seems to me that "Micro Run" would be a good term to apply to the models that they do for the events where you pay a lot to get in, you get a tour of something, there's a fancy dinner, and they raffle off the 20-or-so models they painted up specially for the centerpieces. Having a certain percentage of a special run be a different colorway is not a micro run.