Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Before I Go

Everything is almost done, except the packing. It’s getting hot and muggy here in Michigan, so I had to wait until the last possible minute to pack the car. Everything is done, or as close to done as it’s going to get before I get to Kentucky; I still have to do a bit of work on the showstring and Collector’s Class setups, but none of that is particularly labor- or time-intensive. Like last year, I’ll have a room-sitter to take care of business while I’m preoccupied with gluing and painting things. 

Another head’s up: this will probably be the last major/significant post until I get back from Wyoming, other than a little something that will auto-post while I am in Kentucky. But aside from the fact that I’ll be away from home and a decent keyboard for a couple of weeks, I simply ran out of time, and another project came up that will also require my attention while I am gone.

(Yes, it’s a “working” vacation. But is it really work if you enjoy doing it?)

There may be a checking in post after I get back from Kentucky, and if I can figure out a few things there might be some photographic updates while I am on the road, but don’t count on it. Some of the places I’ll be going will have minimal cell phone coverage, so the decision to post might be out of my hands entirely.

Since I’m checking off stuff on the bucket list, here’s another announcement: aside from attempting to make my way to the Kentucky Derby, I’ll also want to enter the Customs Contest. I just put a quick coat of primer on the two ladies I’ve been working on, and they’re better than I expected them to be: 

I doubt that either one of these would be BCC material, since they’re neither fantasy-themed nor based on Touch of Class armatures. They were both “schooling” horses for me in a sense, anyway. They were very good teachers.

(I am really pleased with the Classic Quarter Horse Mare, though. I fixed most of the problems I had with her, now I just have to clean her up a bit and figure out a hairdo!)

I have other ideas and other bodies in a less finished state, but I’ll have to wait until I get back to evaluate them for worthiness.

And since I took a break from the Diorama Contests, maybe I’ll revisit that too. It’ll depend on how well all the other stuff I have in my life are coming along. 

The first month back from this trip will involve finishing the project mentioned above, possibly taking an online course, and dealing with the consequences of all those emotions I’ve had bottled up for the past several months. 

And catching up on my stories! I hope everything I want to watch is still on all the streaming services when I get back; you never know, these days...


Corky said...

Have a great time at Breyerfest, and enjoy your vacation!

Suzanne said...

Have a safe and wonderful journey! Can't wait to hear of your adventures! :^)

Anonymous said...

Safe travels, Andrea!