Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Hot and Cold and Everything In-Between

Today seems like another good day to wrap up some stray bits of business, since I am currently semi-immobilized underneath a massive pile of clothes, blankets and dog toys, fantasizing about it being 100 degrees warmer than it actually is.

Which would make it, literally, not as hot as an average day at BreyerFest. (You will never – well, almost never – hear me complain about the July Kentucky heat. I live in Michigan, folks: humidity is what we do for summer.)

If like me, you are not venturing outside unless you absolutely have to, but still want to get your horse shopping fix, here’s a nice little treat Reeves is offering us: would you like an inexpensive Espresso? Not the drink, but the Foalzilla of the same name:

She’s already on sale, but if you use the DOUBLESHOT19 code at checkout, she’s only be $14.95. That is... practically body box price!

(Not making this up, guys: this is legit. Just thought maybe some of you guys would want to know, you know?)

And while we’re on the topic of shopping: while I greatly appreciate all the offers of trades and Walmart shopping runs on my behalf, I’m still trying to keep my new acquisitions to a minimum, beyond the ones I’ve already committed to.

If I do find any of the Walmart stuff locally that’ll be great, but I will also be fine if I don’t. In the flea market off-season, I have to get my “thrill of the hunt” fix somehow…

(… but definitely not for the next couple of days!)

It appears that NAMHSA is also making another serious effort to put its own house in order, in the wake of the NAN 2019 cancellation. Will the efforts actually lead to real change, this time?
As the years have passed since that first NAN show, the hobby has evolved greatly, and the Board feels that NAMHSA has not always evolved as equally. To that end, the Board will be strategizing and channelling all energy into making positive changes for the organization and for NAN 2020. While this does include using your feedback to improve NAN, the Board wants to make NAMHSA about more than just the national model horse show. Some of the exciting developments to come include a members-only forum, youth events, new and improved NAMHSA swag, and a REBOOTED NAN coming in 2020.  
For 2019, the Board has decided to hold an alternative event in the same vein as No NANSense in 2017. This year’s event will be based on the 2017 event, which was well-received and held a little bit of something for everyone. The plan is to take 2019’s edition to the next level. Stay tuned for more information regarding No NANSense 2019!
(Relevant excerpt from the NAMHSA newsletter.)

I hope so. I do like that they seem to be (finally) taking the hint that for the organization to survive, or even thrive, it has to step up and actually offer more to the hobby than a national show that only a fraction of hobbyists can afford to attend in the first place.

I am kind of overcommitted on multiple fronts right now, so I can’t offer much more than a public thumbs-up of this possible way forward, and occasional late-night inspirations as they strike.

And lastly, it appears that I may have stumbled upon a keen BreyerFest Costume Contest idea. Keen as it (a) is an actual “hero” of mine, (b) can be achieved mostly by thrifting, and (c) also involves a cape, because you know I am all about wearing capes in public.

FYI: It’s not Lando Calrissian – I do not have the necessary panache to pull that off effectively – and it’s not Ziggy Stardust, because no amount of dieting will give me the body for that. (But if they don’t play this song during the Costume Contest at some point I will be severely disappointed.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Code wouldnt work? Might have to go back by my tuesday morning and see if the still have her.