Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Myth, Legend, and Celtic Flings

There’s been some speculation that – because of the variation promotion they ran this year – that there won’t be a BreyerFest Leftovers Sale. Because there weren’t any (or precious few) leftovers.

They might not be the leftovers you were hoping for, but there are always leftovers, people.

But I’m moving on from waiting for that sale to inevitably drop: I’ve got better things to do with my time and money. Like haunting my local Tractor Supply stores waiting for the Mystery Unicorn Stablemate bins to magically fill, swinging by my favorite local hobby shop to finally pick up that Bisbee I’ve been eyeing for a couple of months, or binge watching all the shows I had to bail on during the run-up to BreyerFest.

Or lurking around eBay for cheap Old Timers. Not just for ones to add to the herd since LaFitte reignited my interest: because I haven’t been sleeping well lately and my mind wanders, I now find myself with more creative ideas I may need to explore.

(As if I don’t have enough!)

Speaking of that, while it’s probably a bit too early to make any concrete plans and plots about next year’s BreyerFest, I’ve been giving a little more thought to next year’s “Celtic Fling” theme.

It’s probably already too late to make any substantial changes of plan for next year – guests, Special Runs, contests et al – but I am going to make one weird request of Reeves: easy on the Leprechauns, please?

Seriously. I’ve been a huge fan of myths, legends and fairytales forever: my favorite books in elementary school were D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths and Book of Norse Myths, and Andrew Lang’s Fairy Books (Brown was my favorite!)

But I never did warm up to the notion of Leprechauns. I don’t know if it’s because I was never a fan of sugary cereals, or the cheesy-bad horror movies, or perhaps a lingering mild resentment that the Irish got a nationally-celebrated holiday while the best holiday my family’s ethnic background could muster was Pączki Day.

If there’s one thing I am dreading about BreyerFest next year is the likelihood that I am going to have to deal with leprechaun-related stuff at the expense of more interesting Celtic things, like Kelpies, Pookas, Celtic Gold Hoards, The Book of Kells, Boudica, the Tuatha De Danann…

Though I am pretty sure they aren’t going to bypass Epona, at least. Any horse-crazy girl worthy of the adjective knows about the fertility goddess who is also the protector of horses, ponies, donkeys and mules.

Up next: a few final thoughts about BreyerFest, including some of my predictions for next year.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Don't forget Pierogi Day!!