Saturday, July 6, 2019

Small Miracles, Old Timers and Ninjas

I was just perusing the Costume Contest rules and... interesting that they’re limiting each category to three winners now. Considering the average number of entries - and the lure of a Glossy Cleveland Bay will undoubtedly provide - well, my odds do not look good.

Although I feel almost certain I will probably lose, I am feeling very proud of my Costume Contest entry regardless. It’s been coming together exceptionally easily and some of the components I am pretty pleased with, especially since I am improvising and making do with materials I have on hand, rather than buying anything new.

(Well, all except one component. But I think I found equally cheap fix, so it’s all good. I think.)

And considering I was not going to do anything at all this year, the fact that I am doing anything at all is a miracle.

The other “big” project is just about done as well: this year, instead of beating my head against the wall with that infernal diorama contest, I decided to go ahead with another project I’ve had on hold the past couple of years: Ninja Fortune Bags!

Basically these are just a fun little gift with purchase thing I’ll be doing for room sales, a handmade drawstring bag (Stablemates-sized, of course!) with candy, stickers, a gumball-prize toy, and a fortune.

(I’ll also have some available for purchase for a dollar, if you can’t find anything to suit your fancy in my room.)

The Sampler is… still a work in progress. Though at this point it’s simply procrastination on my part.

I ordered my LaFitte at the very last minute, so it’s unlikely I’ll see him before I leave for Kentucky. As far as what’s going on with some of them not coming with blinkers or hats… I’m not entirely sure what’s going on there.

Most hobbyists seem to think it’s a binary choice: either they screwed up somehow and forgot the hats and blinkers, or it’s something done intentionally because they know we love variations.

I think it’s somewhere in between: they might have been short a few hats and/or blinkers, and just decided to mix the hatless/blinkerless ones in with the rest, assuming that most people who would be happy to buy a Limited Edition Old Timer would also be happy to receive a variation – and the number of those that do get returned would negligible/easy to swap out with a more normal one anyway.

From what I’ve managed to see online, I think I’ll be happy either way.

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