Thursday, January 7, 2021


Boy, I picked the wrong week to give up caffeine. 

(Long story short: I’ve become entirely too dependent on Diet Mountain Dew to get me through the day, and I’m trying to figure out what my migraine triggers are anyway. If anything I write in the next couple of weeks comes across as crankier than usual, that’s why.)

First: Yes, I saw those images and No, I am not going to talk about them until it’s legal and appropriate to do so. Trust me, I have opinions

Second, I won’t keep you in suspense:

Raspberry it is! Not my first choice – that was Clear, obviously – but she really does look like one of those Brach’s Filled Raspberries, and I find myself resisting the urge to lick her. 

(The Raspberry-flavored Kit Kats I picked up at Kroger earlier this week are not a bad substitute.)

I’ll probably wait a while on acquiring the Teal and the Clear, because I am both cheap and patient. Since almost everybody want the Clear, it looks like I’ll have to be extraordinarily patient with that one.

Now, about the Coal. 

I kind of suspected that they were up to something when they didn’t show the Coal in the original offer. Either they were going to do something different with the color, or with the mold. 

And this year, they decided to go with the mold.

Seeing hobbyists react like they received an actual lump of anthracite when the Coal was revealed to be the Galiceno Pony kind of annoyed me (to put it politely). 

Are hobbyists so unaware of history that they’ve completely forgotten about the existence of the 2017 Early Bird Raffle Horse Sokkar? Sokkar was the reason why I rated the Icelandic Horse as an “outside possibility” in the first place. 

I like the Galiceno Pony mold and I would have been thrilled with a Coal, but since getting randomly drawn for this sort of thing never happens to me, the possibility never enters into my buying equations. 

I buy things because I like what they are presented to me as, not what they might possibly be. Life is full of disappointments, and I have no desire to add to the list. 

(And with my luck, if I did get a Coal, I probably would have fainted at the sight of it, hit my head on the nearest piece of furniture, and spend the rest of my day in the ER.)

Buying a Coal secondhand is unlikely: all I’ve got to play with is the $600 stimulus check, and (checks recently completed Coal sales) that’s obviously not going to cut it. I suppose I could throw in a couple of my CC Glossies, but then it starts looking like actual work, and I already have plenty of that, thank you....

And that’s fine. The world’s on fire again, my tinnitus is driving me crazy, so not getting a shiney black pony that nobody wants anyway is the least of my worries.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, hope the tinnitus lays off for you soon. Migraines & tinnitus are the Worst. Blarg.

Several years ago someone gave me one of those giant novelty gummi bears. The red Jøl looks so much like it I want to reach out & see if it's squishy!

timaru star ii said...

I love your attitudes Diva --! I quite agree. I conga the POA and I like the Galiceno (I have two) but my first thought upon seeing this Coal was how easy it would be to forge one. Breyer's setting out on a risky path with their Coals.

You might add a word or two about "those images" you first mentioned; I have no idea what you're talking about.

timaru star ii said...

Okay, never mind: I found out what you meant...

Qatgirl said...

Oh come on, let's talk about "those images!" I heard about it -- haven't seen them. Where were they posted?

Suzanne said...

Hmmm...I need to get a Galiceño, I've never seen one up close. There was a cute DARK one on Ebay ages ago, for a reasonable price, but I bought something else instead. The black gloss looks good on this horse, her forelegs look so elegant!

Er, what pictures? Is this a model horse thing? *sigh* I never know what's going on...

Boulder Sheep said...

Oh man, I'm with Suzanne, I never know what's going on either. Spill, spill!

(And yes, I focus on the models I like, and don't worry too much about the rest of it. But if anyone knows a good place to search, besides eBay and MHSP, I'd love to know!)