Thursday, October 19, 2023

Checking Off The Boxes

I’m not sure how I feel about the long-awaited Premier Club Draft Mare and Foal Rhiannon and Rhemi: I don’t dislike them, but they weren’t quite what I was expecting, either. I suspect some of it is that I find the names a bit too twee and pretentious for my tastes. 

And they are Vanners. I get that they’re popular, but like most hobbyists, I dig the slightly more obscure and/or rarer breeds, especially ones on the chunkier side like Jutlands, Suffolk Punches and Dutch Drafts. Georg deserves a family! 

I’m not in that club anyway, so until they come out in a more widely available release, the whole argument is academic. I think I may like them more once I see them in a solid color. (Next year, probably.)

I will also not be buying the Collectors Club Special Jota. This is odd, because everything about him says he should be totally my thing: he’s a Gloss Black (check) Splash Pinto (check) Smart Chic Olena (and check). 

But he’s not doing it for me for some reason. I know a lot of collectors are turned off by the weirdness of his pattern, but it’s definitely not that: I was just researching Splash Pintos for my Standing Stock Horse Foal custom the other day, and I now have a disturbingly large reference file full of peculiar looking foals. They don’t look possible, yet they are. 

I once heard the word “cute” described as “ugly, but interesting”. That about sums it up: I find them cute.

But I think it’s the Gloss that’s the turn-off here. 

I’m definitely not one of those Finish Fanatics: I think some models look better in Gloss, some in Matte, and some look good regardless of their finish. Jota would have been more tempting to me in Matte, especially that soft, satiny Matte Black finish the Stretched Morgan came in in the 1960s. 

I know it’s possible: the Black Sabino version of Araba is pretty darn close!

Needless to say, I am very much looking forward to the Vintage Club Black Troubadour Tuxedo; I’m trying not to be mad that I couldn’t wait that extra day to order my Virkie. 

I am currently debating whether or this means I need to order a little something extra from the website, just because. I know I shouldn’t, but…


Anonymous said...

Add me to the list of bummed by the PC.

It's not that I don't like them. They weren't what I expected. To me when they say drafters, I expected DRAFTERS. Not Gypsies.

I'm passing on Jota too. The lack of blue eyes on a splash with that much white bugs me to no end.

Yvonne said...

I too am passing on Jota. It is sinful for me to pass up anything in glossy - slap a coat of gloss on it and I am there with my dollars in hand - but this guy does nothing for me. And I too, purchased my SM Club pony the day before they released the VC model for sale. I just couldn't wait nay longer (afraid to wait too long and lose out on the trading pool). Such is life.

timaru star ii said...

I like the new drafter-types. What fun to have something floofy and different! Rhiannon will be a fine mare to drive. The Clyde Foal updated -- now that I never expected.

I have mixed feelings on the new Tigerlilly. Obviously an updated Running Mare. I love her tack-friendliness and will surely be making tack for her -- she is magnificent. But oh, how I Love the old Running Mare, a mold almost holy to me... I hope my heart is big enough...

Jota would be a pushover, did I have lots of room on my shelves, only 1 not 2 SCOs, and oh yes-- lots of $$. A hard choice. Maybe some of my tack will wind up on him.

Kaivala said...

My virkie is what decided jota for me as I got the sunburned black pinto version so I did order jota as well otherwise I would have not a big fan of the mold and it didn't spark me either till the SM pony arrived an black pinto herself

Anonymous said...

That PC mare and foal are NOT drafters. Everyone has been given the Breyer bait-and-switch yet AGAIN. MORE generic horses. Gypsy Vanners are a carriage breed and they’re not even a good match for the stallion. How much longer are people going to keep buying into this scheme?!

Lydia Lepic said...

I thought the name Rhiannon was a sly Stevie Nicks of her songs is titled "Gypsy" and another is "Rhiannon" so I thought that was what was up with the names. :)