Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Blues

The past few days have been kind of terrible: aside from still not getting picked for Seattle, dealing with some people in my life right now who are addicted to the drama, and the general feeling of being invisible, I lost my wallet at the gas station Sunday night.

I did get it back a few hours after I lost it – basically, when I realized it was missing – with everything intact but the money. Which I should be grateful for, but where I lost it (parking space at the gas station) and where it was turned in (to the cashier of said gas station) were literally only 15 feet apart.

And did I forget to mention the gas station is across the street from the police station? So, even though there were cameras everywhere, someone still helped themselves to a “reward”.

Yeah, people suck. End rant.

On the plus side, I’ve thrown myself into work as a distraction, and now I’m almost done compiling the collection inventory that I’d been putting off for (yikes) almost a year. Some of the pieces documented in the homestretch include the 2018 BreyerFest One-Day Stablemates, who I picked up at the hotel this past year:

While they aren’t difficult to find on the secondary market, those prices were not in my comfort zone, particularly – and inexplicably, for me – for the Ruffian. Sure, it’s Gloss Dark Bay and it’s a portrait of Ruffian, but the mold itself has never been a big favorite of mine, and I am a little baffled why it live shows so well.

But anyway, I’m not one of those “I gotta have it NOW” people, so when I finally found a complete set at a price I could live with, that was that.

My favorite horse of the set, inexplicably, is the little Lexington replica on the G3 Standing Stock Horse, in a dark glossy metallic blue that would look at home on a 1975 Chevy Camaro.

Well, maybe not so inexplicably. Dad got his mid-life crisis out of the way pretty early, so – believe it or not – a metallic dark blue Camaro was our actual “family” car for a couple years in the 1970s, until Mom made him turn it in for something more practical (and reliable).

(And yes, the back seats were just as uncomfortable as you might imagine.)

Lexington’s color scheme is similar to the one used on the Stablemates 2017 Mystery Horse Surprise Chase Piece Endurance Arabian – except glossier, darker, and (IMHO) prettier.

Naturally, I’d love to see Lexington’s color on more Decorator releases going forward. Preferably on something relatively inexpensive and accessible, like the new Malik release High Tide.

I still haven’t seen one in person yet, or any of the 2020s. Maybe this weekend, if the weather and my schedule permits…

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